Comprehensive range of fluid control products

FCS is able to supply our extensive product portfolio anywhere in South Africa, and in selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

distributors of:

Specialists In Modern Fluid Control

FCS operate as wholesale and project suppliers to the Civil Engineering, Building, Agricultural, Air Conditioning, Fire Control, Petroleum, Plumbing as well as Mining sectors.

A decade of excellence! Thank you for your continued support

close-up polyvinyl chloride pipes.
Handsome workman choosing water pipes and pipe joints standing near the showcase in the plumbing shop
years of collective service
0 +
years of collective service
0 +

Fluid Control Project Suppliers

…to the Engineering, Civil, Mining, and Agricultural markets.

Trusted Partners

We nurture, build and constantly improve our partnership with our supplier.

Official distributors of Global Precast

Official distributors of Cascade

Official distributors of Precision Meters

Official distributors of the full Lixil range.

LIXIL produces water and housing products that touch the lives of more than a billion people around the world every day. 

Official distributors of Swan Plastics

Swan Plastics official distributors for Free State, Lesotho and Northern Cape

Official distributors of TC10

Official distributors of Eurocelt

Official distributors of Probrass

Our Core Values

FCS recognise that we are in an industry that is developing rapidly. The FCS Group will, via responsible business decisions and strategic planning, together with input and collaboration with various business partners, establish other branches in the Republic of South Africa and neighboring countries.

What our customers says about us